Probate Lawyer


Probate is a legal process that involves settling the estate of a deceased person, which is why you want to be confident and precise as you take the legal steps. That said, it may be in your best interest to hire a dedicated probate lawyer that you can trust. A great lawyer, such as a lawyer at W.B. Moore Law, will guide you through the paperwork and each decision you have to make. If you new to probate, you should be aware there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding probate that can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. It is important to dispel these myths to have a clearer understanding of the probate process. Here are five common myths to know about probate so that you can be more educated.


Probate is Always Lengthy and Expensive


One prevalent myth about probate is that it is always a long and costly process. While it is true that probate can be time-consuming and may involve certain costs, it is not always an arduous or expensive process. The duration and expenses associated with probate depend on various factors, including the complexity of the estate, the presence of a valid will, potential disputes among beneficiaries, and the efficiency of the probate court. In many cases, with proper planning, organization, and guidance from an experienced probate attorney, probate can be completed efficiently and cost-effectively.


Probate Means Losing Control Over Assets


Another common misconception is that going through probate means losing control over the deceased person’s assets. While it is true that the probate court oversees the distribution of assets, this does not imply a loss of control. The court’s role is to ensure that the deceased person’s wishes, as outlined in their will or determined by state laws of intestacy, are followed. The executor or personal representative appointed by the court is responsible for managing and distributing the assets in accordance with the court’s supervision. Working with an experienced probate attorney can help you navigate the process while maintaining control over the estate.


Everything Must Go Through Probate


There is a common belief that all assets must go through the probate process. However, not all assets are subject to probate. Some assets may pass outside of probate through mechanisms such as joint ownership with rights of survivorship, beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and life insurance policies, or assets held in trusts. These assets transfer directly to the designated beneficiaries without the need for probate. Understanding the different types of assets and their probate implications is crucial in effectively managing an estate and minimizing probate costs.


Probate Is Always Contentious and Involves Family Conflict


While disputes can arise during probate, it is a misconception that probate always involves family conflict. In many cases, the probate process proceeds smoothly and amicably, especially when the deceased person had a comprehensive estate plan and open communication with their family members. Proper estate planning, clear instructions in a valid will, and open dialogue among beneficiaries can help minimize conflicts during probate. Additionally, alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, can be utilized to address any disagreements that may arise. The key is to foster open communication, encourage transparency, and engage in proactive estate planning.


Probate Should Be Avoided at All Costs


There is a pervasive belief that probate should be avoided at all costs. While it is true that some individuals may choose to implement estate planning strategies to minimize the assets subject to probate, it is not always necessary or beneficial to completely avoid probate. Probate can provide a formal and structured process for the distribution of assets, ensuring that the deceased person’s wishes are followed and providing a legal framework to resolve any disputes. Additionally, probate can offer important creditor protection and validation of the estate administration. Each situation is unique, and the decision to avoid or engage in probate should be based on individual circumstances and the guidance of an experienced probate attorney.